Visit of Australian cricket loving Rotarians

Here’s a photograph and some information about the visit of the Australian cricket loving Rotarians.
“On 25th May 1993 the International Fellowship of Cricket Loving Rotarians – I.F.C.R. – was launched at the Melbourne Cricket Club, courtesy of the Australian Cricket Board. Fellowships now exist in most of the Test cricket playing countries.
This year the I.F.C.R. of Great Britain & Ireland is hosting a tour by the I.F.C.R. of Australia. The teams played a match on the Midlands leg of the tour at Rothley Park Cricket Club on Monday 3rd July.
The visitors came from places as widely dispersed as Perth, Cairns, Wagga Wagga, Adelaide and Melbourne and many points in between. Hosting arrangements in Leicestershire were organised by Eric Hill, a member of the Rotary Club of Soar Valley and Treasurer of the I.F.C.R. of GB & I.
The introductions of the teams included a traditional toast with a glass of port before the match which was contested with typical rivalry and great fellowship.
Having offered to help out in a non-playing capacity Rotary Club of Leicester member, Barry Davies (pictured third from the left) ended up playing in the match, some 15 years after he retired from cricket. While he hugely enjoyed the camaraderie he concluded that his decision to retire from cricket was the right one and will now be permanent!