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Rotary Foundation

The Foundation is Rotary’s one and only charity and supports the work of Rotary Clubs around the world.

The Rotary Foundation

It is one of the largest charities in the world and possibly the only one that passes the funds donated by Rotarians and non-Rotarians back to Districts and Clubs for them to decide how the funds should be used. With the support of these funds every year Clubs provide humanitarian, medical, educational projects and promote peace around the world. Every year, over £50million ($70million) is given to support over 1,100 projects worldwide.


In recent years the Leicester Club has used these funds to support projects to create sensory rooms at a hospital in Portugal, provided books to schools and libraries in Ghana, equipped a complete orthopaedic operating theatre and provided hands on training in Gondar, Ethiopia, built a multi-sensory garden for a school in Netherhall, and raised £175,000 to construct the new Bradgate Park Visitor Centre. 

Ending Polio Forever

Rotary has been working to eradicate polio for over 30 years and our goal of ridding the earth of this disease is in sight. We started in 1979 with vaccinations for 6 million children in the Philippines. At that time there were 350,000 cases of polio every year. Today Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan are the only countries where polio remains endemic. So far this year there have only been 13 cases of polio, we are that close to achieving our goal. Every year the Rotary Club of Leicester raises funds for the End Polio Now campaign and we will continue our support until eradication is achieved.

Polio Foundation

Continue your support of the Rotary Foundation with a legacy

With the support of donations, clubs provide assistance with educational projects around the world.

When reviewing your will with your solicitor or financial advisor, please consider making a donation to help continue the work of Rotary by including a legacy to the permanent Endowment fund of The Rotary Foundation. Whether a Rotarian or a supporter of Rotary ideals, you can designate your bequest to one of the seven areas of focus: Peace and conflict prevention; Disease prevention and treatment; Water and Sanitation; Maternal and child health; Basic education and literacy ; Economic and community development; or supporting the environment.

To take action, please download the leaflet or e-mail in confidence direct to