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Rotary Club Of Leicester – Mothers and Child Health Services Month


Every April Rotary focuses the spotlight on what it does for Mothers and child health services.  This year the Rotary Club of Leicester decided to support both the Wullinkamma Arribaja Clinic and Wullinkamma School in The Gambia by sending funds to purchase powdered milk and to buy food to give a meal to over 365 children at the school.  

It is a sad fact that mothers in The Gambia die during or after childbirth leaving many children orphaned and the support is passed on to the Father or extended family members.  The Wullinkamma Arribaja Clinic provides free powdered milk to new mummies, and to fathers and family members where the mother died on a daily basis. Some of the powdered milk the club purchased went to 7 sets of twins plus one newly born baby. The images below show some boys helping to carry boxes of the powdered milk and bags of rice to feed the school children into the school compound.

The school currently has over 365 students in the nursery and lower basis. The majority of students attend each day without having any food. So the school decided to feed the children to help sustain concentration levels throughout the day. The images below are just a handful of the children eating the food the club sent month to purchase over April.
