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Online Bridge

One of the many benefits of Rotary is the fellowship that it brings and whilst we have been holding regular Zoom meetings during the pandemic we have not been able to meet up in the same way.

To help aid this friendship and fellowship aspect of Rotary, one of our members, Simon, kindly agreed to help arrange weekly online Bridge games for our members.

Over the last few weeks, members have been playing online two or three times a week with a mixture of experienced players and absolute beginners. And as one of the absolute beginners at Bridge, I would like to thank Simon and the other more experienced players for their coaching and patience whilst I learn the game and, hopefully, improve a little.

For me personally, the weekly games have proved a welcome break from the current worries of the world and have further enhanced the friendships and fellowship within our Club and I hope that these Bridge games can continue, either online or in person, when we shortly return to \’normal\’ and that hopefully, the ‘live’ games can involve even more members.

If any of our members would like further information about joining in the Bridge games please contact Simon directly. Also if any non-members would like to consider joining Rotary, and our Bridge games, please contact us about membership.


Scott Gallacher (President Elect)