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Rotary Club of Leicester Impact Club Laptop, Torches, Magnifying Glasses and School Uniform Appeal

Back in July 2023 Rotarian Diana Esho put a call-out on LinkedIn for anyone who would be interested in donating laptops, magnifying glasses or torches. These items would go to a group of children with various visual impairments at a school in The Gambia.  Laptops, torches, and magnifying glasses would enable the children to see the written text and improve their changes of gaining a good education. The LinkedIn post quickly gained the interest of Paul Howard from Infuse Technology, Vicky Ball from Impact Air Systems, and Hazel Pattison from Edmonds and Slatter Business Eyecare. Paul expressed an interest in donating reconditioned laptops, Vicky and Hazel wanted to donate boxes of torches and magnifying glasses. Diana spoke to the donors who promptly donated sent six laptops and boxes of torches, batteries and magnifying glasses with and without lights.

The children, of which there were 15 come live in extremely poor conditions and also needed a new school uniform for the new school term. Diana asked members of the Rotary Club of Leicester Impact Group of which she chairs on their WhatsApp, within 30 minutes the money to have 15 new uniforms made by a tailor in The Gambia for each child was promised. The icing on the cake came when a Rotarian (who wishes to remain anonymous), donated funds to pay for the items to be shipped.

In early December, 3 months after the initial request for support, the items arrived. Each one of the 15 children were given their new uniforms and great progress has already been made.

The school teacher who supports the educational needs for these children has sent a heartfelt message to those who were part of this much needed support.

Laptop, Torches, Magnifying Glasses and School Uniform Appeal
Laptop, Torches, Magnifying Glasses and School Uniform Appeal

On behalf of myself, and the children you have supported, I'd like to send a big, big thank you. A small gesture of kindness has made and will continue to have a huge impact on these children's lives. If we can continue to support this group of children and others like them with a school uniform and more supplies throughout 2024 it would be absolutely amazing.

Laptop, Torches, Magnifying Glasses and School Uniform Appeal
Laptop, Torches, Magnifying Glasses and School Uniform Appeal

If you would like to support these children with another uniform, shoes, books or more laptops, please contact Diana Esho Chair of the Rotary Club of Leicester Impact Group at