President’s Newsletter March 2016

Presidents Newsletter

March 2016


As I sit down to write this newsletter I wonder where the last nine months have gone, which leaves only three months of my Presidential year to go before handing over the chain to our incoming President, David Brunton. One member did remark to me only recently that you must be “de mob” happy as your year is coming to an end. I have to say quite the contrary! Much has happened over the last nine months and for that I am very thankful to all those members who willingly give of their time and talents in line with the Rotary motto of “Service above Self”


2016 marks our Centenary year and a number of events are planned to celebrate this milestone. Fund raising continues for our Centenary project for the redevelopment of the Visitor Centre in Bradgate Park, with two major events planned. The first of which is the Centenary AMAM Golf Tournament on 15th June 2016 at the Leicestershire Golf Club. Teams of four are encouraged to enter. All the details can be obtained from Rotarian Simon Gravett at Our other major fund raising event is the Midsummer Meander over the weekend of the 17th to 19th June, a non – stop relay walk of the Leicestershire Round. All details of this event can be obtained from Rotarian Richard Power at

The official opening of the new visitor centre will take place on Thursday 22nd September 2016 by the patron of our appeal, Sir David Attenborough. Plans are well advanced for this event.

To celebrate our Centenary, the first club in District 1070 to do so, we are holding a Centenary Dinner on Monday 10th October 2016, in the presence of our RIBI President together with a selection of past members of our club and representatives from a number of the clubs that we have sponsored over the last one hundred years.

Away from our focus on the Centenary, the Club has been active in a number of different areas. A very successful Auction of Promises evening was held which raised in excess of £4,000 to go to Rotary Foundation. A joyous evening of Carols and Music hosted by the South Leicester Salvation Army raised in excess of £1,000 for my nominated charity, The Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Rutland Air Ambulance. Donations have also been made to Little Faces, Help for Heroes, Kids for Heroes, DEBRA, Inter-Care, Prost-Aid, Life Education Centres and the E-Ranger project.

Other events planned for the remainder of the year include a visit to Curve to see Breakfast at Tiffanys with dinner and a visit from the cast after the show. On the 22nd March a Charity Night is being hosted at Sands Restaurant with all proceeds going to my chosen charity. An evening of music and fellowship is taking place on the 20th April at Zephs.

For those who are more energetic a Superhero Fun Run is taking place on Sunday 17th April at Abbey Park in Leicester. Full details can be obtained from We are very grateful to The Sturgess Motor Group, the Fitness Bank and Edward Hands & Lewis for their sponsorship of this event.

A significant amount of work has also been put into a number of different competitions for young people, ranging from Young Chef to Young Musician, Young Writer to Youth Speaks and Young Designer. I must acknowledge the tremendous success of the recently held Technology Challenge Day at Leicester Grammar School. Over 120 students gathered from 6 different schools to take part. The day was a great success due in no small part to the efforts of Rotarians Derek Sadd and Colin Derrick. My sincere thanks to both of them.

Although our Club is one of the largest in the District we are always trying to increase membership through a diverse range of business and leisure interests. Further details about membership and the club can be found on our website,

I do take this opportunity to thank all members for their support and fellowship and I wish you and all your families a very happy and peaceful Easter.


Paul Bonnett

President Rotary Club of Leicester.